How to contact a study organizer when you’re interested in a clinical trial

Written By: Hannah Sharpe

Congratulations! You have landed upon a clinical trial that seems right for you. You’re interested by the study description, and after going through the eligibility criteria checklist, you’ve found that you meet the inclusion criteria and do not match any of the exclusion criteria listed. You have assessed the clinical trial locations and pinpointed a site that is accessible to you. After verifying that the trial is still recruiting by looking for the green recruiting status symbol on Heal Mary, your next step is to contact the study organizers.

First, determine the best individual to contact.

Contact information pops up on Heal Mary once you go through the eligibility checklist and have been found to meet all of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Contact information may be presented in various ways:

Contacts based on the trial location

Contacts for the clinical trial may be organized based on the trial location, with individual contacts listed within each hospital. Choose to contact an email address linked to the location that you prefer.

One general contact

One individual contact may be listed, or there may be a general email to send clinical trial-related requests to.

General contact and all locations with available contacts

Choose one general contact to reach out to first to begin the conversation. If necessary, you can reach out to other listed contacts later on.

Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash

Next, choose a method of contact.

The investigator or study organizer’s contact information may be provided in the form of an email address or a phone number. If both are listed it is appropriate to contact them by whichever method you prefer. However, beginning the conversation by email may be recommended because unlike a phone call, an email can be sent at any time of the day and allows the study organizer to respond as soon as they are available.

What do I say?

Regardless of the contact method you choose, you should aim to touch on the same important points in your first conversation.

Things to include:

  1. Email topic line

  • Mention the clinical trial in the topic line

  • Examples: “Interested in applying to (insert clinical trial name)”

— “Questions about (insert clinical trial name)”

2. Your first name, and include your gender and age if you feel comfortable

3. The study location you are interested in

  • Study locations are listed on Heal Mary. You can check the hospital location by name or the listed zip code. Choose a location that is accessible to you.

4. That you meet the eligibility criteria

5. That you meet the inclusion criteria

6. That you are interested, and are looking for more information

  • Can you point me to more information about the trial description or protocol?

  • List what you wish to have more information about:

— Design of the clinical trial (for example: trial duration, timeline, start date)

— Practical concerns (for example: what do I have to do if I join? Will I stay in the hospital? Does anything else in my life such as my diet have to change?)

7. That you are interested in participating for the clinical trial

  • How do I go about signing up to participate? What are the next steps going forward?

  • Is there any information that you require from my family physician?

8. Where and how the study organizer can contact you to respond. Provide an email address or phone number

Left hand typing with applewatch.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

General email template

Email subject line: Interested in clinical trial, (insert clinical trial title as shown on Heal Mary)

Hello (study organizer name),

My name is (insert your name) and I heard about your clinical trial, (insert clinical trial name) on Heal Mary. I have checked the eligibility criteria and I meet all the inclusion criteria and do not match anything listed in the exclusion criteria. I am interested in learning more about the clinical trial, specifically (insert any questions or concerns). I would like to know what the next steps are in order to participate in this clinical trial and how the application process will work.

I look forward to hearing back from you. Please feel free to reach me at (insert email address or phone number).

Thank you,

(your name)

This can be rephrased if you are a caregiver reaching out to the clinical trial contact on behalf of someone you are caring for.

For more information on clinical trials available to treat, diagnose and manage disease, click on our website link:

The content on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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